Well its been 4 days now I still have the gout its not as bad as it has been I just got up and did a little bit of walking today but it kind of hurt so hopefully tomorrow it'll be better and I can start working on the Carrie Michelle again well bad part about this is its just put me for five days behind schedule but soon as things get better for the staff to work a little harder at it get things done the next big project is ground ground in the boat for a lightning and just a regular ground and then that'll take some time 2 to 3 days 4 days I'm not for sure but it's very important that you get your Boat grounded and there's two types of ground you have your regular ground and you have your RF ground for your radios you can't put them together because of this it well cause a tremendous electrolysis between each one of them and then your anodes will be eroded away quickly well that's about it for today till next post and have a great day Herald
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