Sunday, November 22, 2015

Stairwell for the Carrie Michelle

Well good afternoon folks what a lovely day it is here in South Texas. And I've been laid up for the last 6 days with some terrible gas pain in the foot today was a blessed day too large day he came through for me. Work down there staircase all day well not all day most of the day, got it all dry fitted. So tomorrow I will work on the handrails make them out of the stainless steel tubing. That's going to be an all day job cutting fit. Most ladders at UCL Boat or straight up and down I made this especially for my lady friend cuz I know straight up and down be hard for her to get up on top the flybridge. And it and if you can I get on the fly bridge you going to miss a world of beautiful stuff cuz thats where most of everything you can see 15 miles further than you can't out of helm. So that's about what I've done today besides taking out the old air conditioner out of the basement. Now I can install my other 50 gallon water tank. By installing the other tank. Give me about 120 gallons of water not that I'll need it but I'll have it. Gotta go right along with mine 260 gallons of fuel along with a 50 gallon gray water holding tank. So I think this a good for tonight I'm kind of tired it's time I try to shut it down and rest awhile beings I've been under the weather.

Until my next post y'all have a blessed evening and may the Lord be with you and bless you in any way he desires thank you for reading this and I hope everybody will continue on a journey with me Herald

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