Saturday, November 28, 2015

Second part of the Great American Loop

Well  we  made made the the east coast of the loop, and actually we came from Brownsville ,Texas to the  NewYork boarder. Now it should be about mid May and we're fixin to start the other half of the great American loop. As we get started the first thing that we should see, should be the great lady Statue of Liberty. What I have read this is where the tricky stuff comes in. We're going to go through the canal which is a little bit on the north side will get out of canal we're going into the Great Lakes. From the Great Lake we're going to be take about a week going through their listing all the sites. Then we're going to head down to you by Chicago and this is where you going to have a problem if you're tall. Maximum height at Chicago is 19 feet again maximum height at the Chicago bridge is 19 feet. If all is well at home now here we go again go down to the Mississippi for a little ways. We're going to cut out of Mississippi we're going to get into the Tombigbee from the time baby we're going to head on down south of the Mobile River come out in the Gulf. There's two ways you can go from there you can go to the right and go to dog River marina or go to live and go to Fairhope Marina and spend a few days and do some sightseeing whatever you might do. I hope y'all will continue to follow the blogs to wonder if I learn it and hope you have kissed some of your friends and I'll pick up on it in this follow us and see how we do in the meantime have me about it for today until next posting have a blessed and wonderful day.


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