Will the week finished up on an upswing. Just had one bad day and that was taking Shirley to the airport. But all things happen for a reason so they say and it has happen here. I got my other motor today and it is already in the shop getting checked out. Do not want any troubles down the road or should I say done the rivers. So now I have a pair of Evinrude 130's to cruse with So that should move me right on down the water ways, what a blessing it was to get them. The best thing they were under budget also and that really was a blessing
Well today was a good day, like I said got the other motor and it is in the shop getting checked out and a new water pump installed in it.
Radio on fly bridge |
I did mange to get the fly bridge radio installed, wired, and tested out. It works loud and clear as to a tug caption.
New Antenna |
In stalled the new antenna that came in this morning, tomorrow I will hook it up to the helm radio and see what happens.
Fuel filter housing |
After the antenna installation I installed two fuel filter housing.
Fly bridge gauges |
This afternoon I installed new gauges on the fly bridge consol. That was about it for today. Until next posting have a great eveningHarold
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