Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Swim platform ll

Well good evening to all.

Well today was a good here at that Carried Michelle, I got my fiber glass tech done before the rain comes. It is a hard thing to find some of the water leaks,sometime it runs in one place and out anotherplace.

Well I got the swim platform set and started to mount it in it's place. If all goes ok tomorrow I should be ready for the welder by Monday I hope. Stainless is a very hard  to drill. One half inch hole wore out three drill bits and I broke one half inch bit too. So it will be a slow process drilling all the holes that need to be drilled . If all goes well I should be ready for the welder by Monday I hope.

The picture with the green is that color of the helm and the other is a picture of the swim platform.

Until next posting have a great evening,

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